Survivor Tribe Points Pts / Epi Rank Avg Vote Voted Out Place
Tyson Apostol Tyson Apostol A lighted torch Flag for the  tribe 36 2.57 1 - Won 1
Monica Culpepper Monica Culpepper An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 25 1.79 4 - 2
Gervase Peterson Gervase Peterson An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 30 2.14 2 - 3
Tina Wesson Tina Wesson An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 26 1.86 3 - 14 4
Ciera Eastin Ciera Eastin An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 17 1.21 7 - 14 5
Laura Morett Laura Morett An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 24 1.71 5 - 10 6
Hayden Moss Hayden Moss An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 14 1 8 - 13 7
Katie Collins Katie Collins An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 9 0.69 12 - 12 8
Caleb Bankston Caleb Bankston An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 13 1.08 10 - 11 9
Vytas Baskauskas Vytas Baskauskas An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 9 0.82 12 - 9 10
Aras Baskauskas Aras Baskauskas An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 20 2 6 - 8 11
Laura Boneham Laura Boneham An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 14 1.75 8 - 7 12
John Cody John Cody An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 4 0.5 16 - 3 13
Kat Edorsson Kat Edorsson An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 11 1.57 11 - 6 14
Brad Culpepper Brad Culpepper An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 1 0.17 18 - 4 15
Candice Cody Candice Cody An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 5 1 14 - 1 16
Marissa Peterson Marissa Peterson An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 3 0.75 17 - 1 17
Rachel Foulger Rachel Foulger An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 0 0 19 - 2 18
Colton Cumbie Colton Cumbie An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 5 1.67 14 - * 19
Rupert Boneham Rupert Boneham An unlit torch Flag for the  tribe 0 0 19 - * 20

— Survivor not voted out. | * Survivor quit or was removed for medical reasons.